Last updated on: 
April 15, 2024 
Old Bible Course Lesson 8 New Bible Course Lesson 3 UCOG logo Reine Wahrheit, May 1967 Gute Nachrichten, September-October 2000 Welcome! We support the true gospel of the kingdom of God in one of Europe's important regions. Here's how you can help us!

Preaching the true gospel in Europe

What's new in preaching the true gospel of the
Kingdom of God in German-speaking Europe?

April 15, 2024: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"] produces United Church of God President Rick Shabi's video commentary, German video commentary Warum griff die Hamas Israel an? ["Why did Hamas attack Israel?"]. UCOG President Paul Kieffer prepared the German voiceover for Mr. Shabi's video presentation.

April 8, 2024: Fundraising thermometerThe United Christian Outreach Germany announces a special fundraiser to provide $1000 for Armenien UCG member Mnazakan Poghossjan to attend this year's Feast of Tabernacles in Titisee, Germany. Mr. Poghassjan speaks fluent German and is the only member of the United Church of God in Armenia and has only limited income. Without additional financial assistance from the church, he would never be able to attend the Feast.

March 29, 2024: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"] produces another short video commentary, German video commentary Warum existiert Israel? ["Why does Israel exist?"], the final part of a four-part sermon that UCOG President Paul Kieffer gave at church services in Munich.

March 18, 2024: The March-April issue of the Gute Nachrichten, March 2024 issue "Gute Nachrichten" magazine is mailed to 8,687 readers in 25 countries, a 6.1 percent decrease from the 2023 March-April issue. The magazine was mailed to 7090 subscribers in Germany, 681 subscribers in Switzerland and 744 subscribers in Austria.

March 11, 2024: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"] produces another short video commentary, German video commentary Warum existiert Israel? ["Why does Israel exist?"]. It is the first part of a four-part sermon that UCOG President Paul Kieffer gave at church services in Munich.

March 4, 2024: Donation income for the Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] for the first two months of 2024 was 40.8 percent higher than last year's income in January-February. Coworkers and donors (defined as individuals who provide financial support but do not attend UCG-Germany worship services) contributed 20.1 percent of UCG-Germany's income in February.

February 29, 2024: In the first 2 months of the year, UCG-Germany distributed 1571 ebooks via Amazon, the Google Play Store and Smashwords. The most requested booklet was "Das Buch der Offenbarung verständlich erklärt" ["The Book of Revelation Unveiled"] with 189 downloads.

February 20, 2024: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"] produces another short video commentary, German video commentary Sind Christen von Zeit und Umständen abhängig? ["Are Christians subject to time and chance?"], the last part of a four-part sermon that UCG-Germany elder Martin Fekete gave at church services in Oberndorf near Salzburg, Austria.

February 12, 2024: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] adds 48 MP3 sermons to its sermon website for members and church attendees. 834 recorded sermons are currently available for listening and download.

February 2, 2024: Donation income for the Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] for the first month of 2024 was 79.4 percent higher than last year's income in January. Coworkers and donors (defined as individuals who provide financial support but do not attend UCG-Germany worship services) contributed 13.0 percent of UCG-Germany's income in January.

January 25, 2024: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"] produces another short video commentary, German video commentary Sind Christen von Zeit und Umständen abhängig? ["Are Christians subject to time and chance?"]. It is the first part of a four-part sermon that UCG-Germany elder Martin Fekete gave at church services in Oberndorf near Salzburg, Austria.

January 18, 2024: The January-February issue of the Gute Nachrichten, January 2024 issue "Gute Nachrichten" magazine is mailed to 8,848 readers in 25 countries, a 6.4 percent decrease from the 2023 January-February issue. The magazine was mailed to 7185 subscribers in Germany, 733 subscribers in Switzerland and 760 subscribers in Austria.

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What's new in Germany & elsewhere? 

News on events in Europe and commentary
on diverse topics from Paul Kieffer's blog

June 26, 2023: 60 years ago President John F. Kennedy spoke the words most widely recognized today as being German: "Ich bin ein Berliner." A boisterous appreciative crowd of some 300,000 jammed Berlin's Schöneberg Rathaus square to hear Kennedy speak. Read more »

February 24, 2012: Is Germany using the debt crisis to conquer Europe? That is what some Europeans think, especially among the British press. But Germany’s integration in a European framework is exactly what its neigbors, especially France, wanted after World War II. Read more »

October 12, 2011: A stunning move by the Swiss National Bank in September signals the opening round of a currency war as Switzerland sets exchange limits to protect its domestic economy. Currency wars can lead to trade wars. But what comes after trade wars? Read more »

August 19, 2011: For over 1500 years the pope in Rome has claimed authority over the entire Christian church. That claim remains a source of controversy and division, even during the ecumenical movement. Is Jesus responsible for the division by appointing Peter as pope? Read more »

June 29, 2011: While many economic experts have focused on the Greek debt crisis and the future of the euro, the plight of unemployed youth in Europe has received less attention. Their rising numbers may eventually lead to a rise of political extremism. Read more »

November 16, 2010: Populist sentiment may be just a groundswell of discontent and concern among a minority, but it can also affect major political developments, depending on its momentum and the issues involved. A case study is growing Islamic influence in Europe. Read more »

September 21, 2010: Over the last 50 years change has come slowly within the European Union. However, the impact of the worldwide financial crisis forced the European Union to respond much faster than would have been the case in "normal" economic times. Read more »

August 28, 2010: With birthrates among traditional Europeans in decline and population growth in Europe’s Muslim communities soaring, one persistent European voice asks whether Europe wants to preserve its traditional cultural and religious identity. Read more »

March 25, 2010: Members of the European Parliament, labor organizations and mainstream churches unite to promote EU legislation promoting Sunday as EU’s official day of rest. If passed, what will this mean for religious minorities that keep the biblical Sabbath? Read more »

February 23, 2010: Controversies over minarets and burkas highlight the clash of cultures and whether Europe’s traditional religious heritage should be defended in the face of a fast-growing Muslim minority. Will Islam eventually displace Christianity in Europe? Read more »

September 17, 2009: The 50th anniversary of the NATO alliance in 1999 was a celebration of the successful defense of the free world during the Cold War. Just ten years later there are signs of serious trouble within the alliance. Will NATO survive the next ten years? Read more »

August 17, 2009: With the number of Muslims in Germany numbering some four million (about five percent of Germany's population), it is no surprise that the number of mosques has increased in recent years. The question now is: "How big should Muslim mosques be?" Read more »

October 30, 2008: The ongoing financial crisis means a lot more than worry for individual investors in different countries around the world. A major shift in world financial power centers is on the horizon. America is on the decline, while Asia and Europe are on the rise. Read more »

December 21, 2007: At midnight on Friday the Schengen zone in Europe was expanded eastward to include nine eastern European countries. A borderless European Union now extends from Russia all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. Which country is the center of the Schengen zone? Read more »

February 19, 2007: For years Germany’s Mardi Gras Monday ["Rosenmontag"] float designers have used the occasion to poke fun at German and international politicians and the world scene. Today’s Rosenmontag parade in Düsseldorf was no exception. Read more »

November 15, 2004: The Gregorian calendar in common use in the Western world has peculiarities that complicate trade and commerce. Despite all attempts to alter this calendar, the seven-day weekly cycle has been preserved. Will the Catholic church allow it to be changed? Read more »

August 20, 1999: The department store Kaufhof opens on Sunday in Berlin to challenge Germany’s "store closing law" which establishes Sunday as a protected day of rest from gainful employment. What does the future hold for the "store closing law"? Read more »

2007 |  | 2008 |  | 2009 |  | 2010 |  | 2011 |