December 17, 2010: European Union government leaders
agreed yesterday in Brussels on a plan to establish a permanent
financial crisis mechanism for the euro. Beginning in 2012 the
new "European Stability Mechanism" (ESM) will replace the
existing euro support plan. The agreement includes a change in
the EU Lisbon Treaty with two sentences overruling the existing
ban on mutual financial assistance. Germany insisted on the
amendment because of fears that Germany’s Supreme Court
might otherwise prohibit any extension of the current euro
bailout fund beyond 2013.
After 2013 euro zone members – currently 16 EU
countries – will provide mutual financial support if a
eurozone member's stability is attacked by international
speculators. However, Germany got its way by insisting that
financial aid be provided only when strict conditions are met
and the euro zone as a whole is threatened. Under the new plan,
a eurozone member will only receive protection against
speculative attacks if it unconditionally submits to the
austerity requirements imposed by the International Monetary
Fund (IMF), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the EU
Commission. Greece and Ireland set the precedent for the new
stability plan by accepting the strict conditions set by the
IMF and Brussels.
A future EU summit will work out the final details of the
new "European Stability Mechanism," but it is already clear
that France and Germany will play a dominant role in whatever
decisions are made. A joint proposal by Luxembourg's Prime
Minister Jean-Claude Juncker and Italian Finance Minister
Giulio Tremonti on financing part of the combined national debt
of all euro zone countries by issuing euro bonds was
unceremoniously rejected first by Germany and then by France.
The joint proposal by Luxembourg and Italy was intended to
provide better protection against speculative attacks on the
euro, resulting in lower interest rates for highly indebted
countries in the eurozone. However, Germany was not willing to
accept slightly higher interest rates on its own national debt
in favor of achieving a common position on the issue. Using
public media prior to the summit, German chancellor Angela
Merkel and Juncker aired their disagreement on the proposal.
Germany was the winner.
Chancellor Merkel described yesterday's meeting as "a good
day for the euro," saying the summit agreement on the
introduction of a new crisis mechanism would "ensure the
stability of the euro as a whole." However, the day before the
summit, Moody’s rating agency hinted at a lower credit
rating of Spain which would have forced the country to pay the
highest interest rate on its debt in 13 years. The next day,
Moody’s threatened Greece with a further reduction in its
credit rating.
The euro's woes are clearly not over. With Germany committed
to the euro's future on her terms, eurozone members may have
little choice in ensuring the euro's survival other than
accepting Berlin's demands for fiscal restraint and
responsibility within the eurozone.