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News and views from the German-language region of Europe

January 26, 2007

"What are you doing here?"

Filed under Life in Europe

When our new booklet "Does God Exist?" was delivered yesterday it wasn’t the first time I was asked where I am from. (more…)

January 21, 2007

Sabbath trip to Hamburg: Hamm, Hamm!

Filed under Life in Europe

Yesterday’s trip to Hamburg was an interesting experience, thanks to Kyrill. (more…)

January 19, 2007

Hurricane "Kyrill" hits Germany hard

Filed under Life in Europe

I didn’t pay much attention to the weather forecast this week until Wednesday, when Germany’s National Weather Service urged everyone to stay home on Thursday if at all possible. (more…)

January 13, 2007

An "oldie but a goodie"

Filed under UCG-Holland

"Practice makes perfect" is one saying that applies to a leadership training program in the Netherlands. (more…)

January 3, 2007

A look at hell and purgatory

Filed under Life in Europe

Mt. Vesuvius isn’t the only area of volcanic interest near Naples, Italy. (more…)

January 1, 2007

You think you’re in a rut?

Filed under Life in Europe

I don’t mean the way you live your life, but rut as in pothole! They had some remarkable ruts in Pompei. (more…)

Paul Kieffer's blog with personal insights and news from the German-language region in Europe.


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