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August 31, 2018

Visualizing the finish line

Filed under Sabbath Thoughts

During her visit to the Dormagen congregation in September 2006, Mary Ann Miller (Bates) and I agreed that we would run the Bonn Marathon together in April 2007. As a teenager and young adult I had concentrated on the middle distances and in the years that followed I had run regularly over 2 to 7 km, but running a distance like 42 km would never have occurred to me. 🙂 (more…)

August 24, 2018

Got any problems?

Filed under Sabbath Thoughts

Who never has any problems? Nobody, because problems are part of life. Sometimes they seem to rush in on us from several sides, having different effects and differing in their dimensions. You are then faced with a proverbial mountain of problems. Is it also your experience that one can then easily be discouraged and not know what to do next? (more…)

August 10, 2018

Friendship in the church (2)

Filed under Sabbath Thoughts

Is it possible to be a member of the church for years and not have friends in the church? Yes, that's possible. There can be several reasons for this. But one of them should not be our inaction. (more…)

August 3, 2018

Friendship in the church

Filed under Sabbath Thoughts

Is it possible to be a member of the church for years and not have friends in the church? Yes, that's possible. There can be several reasons for this. But one of them should not be our inaction. (more…)

Paul Kieffer's blog with personal insights and news from the German-language region in Europe.


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