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News and views from the German-language region of Europe

May 25, 2018

Pentecost: Afterthoughts

Filed under Sabbath Thoughts

What does the holy spirit do for us? This question affects the core of our beliefs, because without the power of God's Spirit we can have no deep, close relationship with the Father, nor can we become His children. It is because the Spirit dwells in us that we are called the children of God (Romans 8:14-17). (more…)

May 11, 2018

Bearing Godly fruit

Filed under Sabbath Thoughts

Pentecost reminds us that the power of the holy spirit is the greatest power on earth. God's church was born on the day of Pentecost via the outpouring of the holy spirit. It is this Spirit – God's Spirit – that enables us to imitate God's character, which we would be utterly unable to do without this spirit. (more…)

May 4, 2018

God's adoptive children

Filed under Sabbath Thoughts

As foster parents in the Philippines we met four couples who came to the Philippines to adopt a Filipino child. The couple from Norway who adopted our foster child "Joe" – he lived one year with us – could not have children on their own. They were delighted to have the opportunity to finally have a child. Of course, people who adopt a child don't know what inherited characteristics or potential health problems might be lurking in their new child's make-up. In many cases they don't know the child's biological parents, so they are not familiar with the child's family background and history. (more…)

Paul Kieffer's blog with personal insights and news from the German-language region in Europe.


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