"Squeezing the Charmin" on a German ICE |
Filed under Life in Europe |
Remember those "Don’t squeeze the Charmin!" commercials on TV promoting the Charmin brand of toilet paper? Wasn’t it Mr. Whipple who always got caught "squeezing the Charmin"? It seems the "Deutsche Bahn AG" might be watching old U.S. TV commercials.
For several years the "Deutsche Bahn AG" ["German Rail Inc."] has been planning an IPO. For any number of reasons the IPO has been delayed, and according to recent newspaper reports here in Germany the IPO may be put on hold indefinitely or canceled. Profitability may be one concern, another seems to be the unresolved question of whether the thousands of miles of railroad track will be opened up for use by competitors. On a recent ICE ["InterCity Express"] trip from Karlsruhe to Siegburg I had to wonder whether "Deutsche Bahn" boss Hartmut Mehdorn has some kind of secret plan to attract foreign investors by using a form of subliminal advertizing for "Charmin" toilet paper. 🙂
When I needed to use the restroom on the ICE, lo and behold – there was an ad plastered on the inside of the restroom door promoting the comfort available on ICE trains via "Charmin". "Time to change" is the catchy phrase, referring to changing trains. But instead of a train, you see a bear taking a nap on 3 rolls of "Charmin" toilet paper placed on a railroad track. And you learn that "Charmin" is available on all German ICE trains and was recently the winner for the category "softness" in a survey of 27 different toilet paper brands. Maybe other Americans like me will see this ad and be reminded of old TV commercials, and in a fit of advertizing nostalgia decide to buy "Deutsche Bahn AG" stock when it becomes available in an IPO. With the "Deutsche Bahn AG" IPO apparently on the ropes, is the "Charmin" advertizing an attempt for a "come from behind" victory on the IPO front? Hey Mr. Whipple, squeeze your broker and tell to him watch for "Deutsche Bahn AG" stock! 🙂
Paul Kieffer's blog with personal insights and news from the German-language region in Europe.