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March 25, 2008

A man of insufficient girth

Filed under Back in the USA

UCG elder Dick Thompson might have wondered if he could "fill the bill" as President. Not if he is comparing himself to President William Howard Taft.

At the UCG Southwest Dick Thompson Regional ministerial conference we had lunch with our old friend Dick Thompson. We met Dick and his wife Onnie 30 years ago in Dayton, Ohio. At the time, Dick was pastor of the Dayton, Ohio churches while we served there from 1978-1980. Today we had lunch at the Mission Inn in Riverside, California, which dates back to the late 19th century. While William Howard Taft was President, he visited California. When he visited the inn, they had to build a special chair for him since none of their chairs would "accommodate" him. After all, he weighed 330 pounds (150 kg). The chair is still there, and you are allowed to sit on it. So Dick tried it out before lunch. My judgment is that he has quite a ways to go before he can measure up to President Taft. 🙂

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