Feast of Tabernacles 2008, Day 5 |
Filed under UCG-Germany |
One of our challenges at the Schluchsee Feast site is providing a quality simultaneous translation.
Most of our foreign visitors do not understand German, and a number of our local German-speaking members do not speak English. Most of the messages in Schluchsee are in German, but this year we have five messages in English (including the festival video). So our team of translators was busy providing a quality translation during each service. UCG-Germany editorial staff member Jesmina Allaoua (in the picture translating one of today’s English messages into German) coordinated the assignments, and we have six different people translating during the Feast. It is helpful to have the speaker’s notes, even though some speakers do not stick to their notes. We tell our speakers in advance that some things do not translate well, like anecdoctes that depend on a "play on words". As a native English speaker, I find it easier to translate from German to English, although I am occasionally assigned to translate from English to German. For our translation system we use a small low-power FM transmitter, and we are assigned a frequency for the duration of the Feast by the German governmental agency that regulates the FM broadcast band. The cost for being allowed to use a "public" frequency is 450 € each year.
Paul Kieffer's blog with personal insights and news from the German-language region in Europe.