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November 25, 2008

Opa at the park

Filed under Family

With Rachel now home, Opa has the job of taking the grandkids to the nearby park in the afternoon.

Rachel and our son-in-law Eric live about 250 yards or so from a small Opa with grandkids playground. The weather has been really nice this week, so in the afternoon Opa has the job of taking his grandkids down to the playground so they get some exercise, especially since the two grandsons, Sean and Adrian (ages 7 and 4) do not have school this week. Once we get to the park, Sean and Adrian play together and Opa looks after Maia. She really likes the swing, although she doesn’t understand that you just can’t get off anytime you want. While I was pushing her on the swing, I kept on asking her if she was finished – "done" is the word she uses with her 20-month-old vocabulary. She said no and wanted me to keeping swinging her. Then at the height of one rotation she simply let go of the swing and fell about 4 feet to the ground. Fortunately they have bark on the ground surrounding the swing, so that cushioned her fall. Later her dad told me that he forgot to let me know that Maia has the habit of just getting off the swing anytime she wants to, without prior notice. I’ll be better prepared next time! 🙂

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