Opa gets a workout |
Filed under Family |
My babysitting became more challenging today when granddaughter Maia decided she wanted to go on the trampoline with her brother.
Part of my job during our daughter Rachel’s recovery from cancer surgery is helping with the grandkids. This afternoon I got a workout when Maia decided she wanted to bounce with Opa on the trampoline behind the house. When her two brothers are on the trampoline with her, she notices that she cannot jump as high as they do. So Opa had to come up on the trampoline and jump with her. Now that may not seem like much, but try jumping while you are holding a 27 pound child in front of you and also trying to avoid landing on one of the grandkids bouncing – and falling down – practically right beneath your feet. I was amazed at how strenuous this supposedly easy activity was. What a relief when Maia finally said "Done!", indicating that her time on the trampoline with Opa was over.
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