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March 28, 2011

Another difficult birth

Filed under UCG-Germany

Once again, this isn’t about a new arrival on the planet. Instead, it is about our "New Covenant" booklet, which isn’t going to be a booklet.

The last difficult birth I reported on was our "Fundamental Beliefs" booklet. New Covenant study paper This time it is another booklet that isn’t going to be a booklet! It is "The New Covenant: Does it abolish God’s Law?", which we have titled in German "Hebt der Neue Bund Gottes Gesetz auf?". Leaving off the index at the end of the booklet, it has 159 pages – a monster booklet! While all the information in the booklet will be helpful for our audience, we cannot afford to print this booklet in booklet format and make it available for general distribution. So we "converted" it into a study paper. Our study paper is 117 pages long (European A4 size) and we will print enough copies of the study paper for all the people who attend our services. In addition, we will make it available on the internet in PDF format for anyone who wants to download it. Right now it is in the final stage of proofreading by our team of volunteer proofreaders. Because of the "technical" nature of some of the material, there are some long sentences in the text that have given some of our proofreaders a headache. We will shorten those sentences in the final version, breaking them up as needed into shorter ones. The new study paper will be published in June and will be our 23rd booklet to be published – and our first non-booklet booklet. 🙂

Paul Kieffer's blog with personal insights and news from the German-language region in Europe.


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