Self-confidence or confidence in God? |
Filed under Sabbath Thoughts |
In some self-help books the importance of self-confidence is emphasized. We are told that failure is assured in our lives if we lack self-confidence.
But self-confidence can be a detriment to our relationship with God. What was a key characteristic of the Pharisee in Jesus' parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector?
"Also He spoke this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others: Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank You that I am not like other men – extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this tax collector. . ." (Luke 18,9-11).
Some would say that the Pharisee had a problem with self-righteousness.
Yes, but he was convinced of his own righteousness because he trusted in himself. He was self-confident! He was convinced that his standard of righteousness was correct, and in the parable he lists the things that supposedly demonstrated that.
The result was that he saw himself as being better than others who in his opinion weren't as righteous as he was. That attitude created distance between himself and those supposedly less righteous people, fulfilling the meaning of the word "Pharisee": "separated".
What the Pharisee did not realize was that his self-confidence also created distance between himself and God. It was the tax collector who went home justified, not the Pharisee (verse 14). The Pharisee's self-confidence also left him "separated" from God.
Whom do we rely on when it comes to evaluating our walk with God? Do we "trust in ourselves", i. e. in our opinion? Or do we trust in God and rely on the standard of righteousness that He reveals in His word?
With these thoughts I wish everyone a rewarding Sabbath!
Paul Kieffer's blog with personal insights and news from the German-language region in Europe.