Goodbye to Wooley Road |
Filed under Family |
Our grandchildren’s visit to Oma’s house in Mobile is over for this summer.
Our grandchildren Sean, Adrian and Maia enjoy visiting Oma’s house in Mobile, Alabama. It is a nice place for them to play since the road leading to our house is a dead end and there is very little traffic. Sometimes a couple of hours go by without a car being on the road. The road meets a paved street about a half mile away, and when we reach the gravel road when driving I sometimes let Sean or Adrian climb onto my lap to steer the car down the gravel road to the house. When we first arrived here a little over two weeks ago – it was the middle of the night and we had driven from Texas – I told Sean that I needed him to point out Oma’s house to me. He picked the right house and into the driveway we went. After a good night’s rest one of the first items of business on the new day was to explore Oma’s road again, Wooley Road, named after her grandfather.
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