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April 29, 2010

Dachau freed 65 years ago today

Filed under Life in Europe

65 years ago today American troops liberated some 30,000 starving prisoners being held at the Dachau concentration camp near Munich. (more…)

April 27, 2010

"You have grown taller!"

Filed under UCG-Germany

No, Mrs. Paulowitz, we both may have shrunk, but you have shrunk more than I have! (more…)

April 18, 2010

A "providential" volcano?

Filed under Life in Europe

The volanic eruption in Iceland surely wasn’t "providential," but it help provide an answer to a reader’s question. (more…)

April 8, 2010

Bothered by bronchitis

Filed under Life in Europe

A week’s worth of antiobiotics has enabled me to get over a terrible case of bronchitis – by far the worst one I have ever had. (more…)

Paul Kieffer's blog with personal insights and news from the German-language region in Europe.


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