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April 18, 2010

A "providential" volcano?

Filed under Life in Europe

The volanic eruption in Iceland surely wasn’t "providential," but it help provide an answer to a reader’s question.

As the one who answers questions posted by readers of our "Gute Nachrichten" magazine, sometimes I think for a few days before starting to work on answer. In this case the wait paid off handsomely. After reading some of our material on what will transpire immediately prior to the return of Jesus Christ, a reader wondered how a meteorite or a volcano could cause a major disruption to activities on the earth. With scientists wondering whether a meteorite had not caused the sudden death of the dinosaurs, I had that one covered pretty well. Then the volcanic eruption in Iceland spewed clouds of volcanic ash in our direction here in Europe, resulting in closure of northern European airspace – a condition likely to last for days. Thousands of passengers are stranded and the airline and tourist industry are losing an estimated $200 million a day over this. I know three people already affected by flight cancellations. And this was just a minor volcano, it seems. What if you had several of these things erupting simultaneously in different places around the globe? I have some additional timely material for my answer to the reader’s question.

Paul Kieffer's blog with personal insights and news from the German-language region in Europe.


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