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October 11, 2010

Happy birthday Gramps!

Filed under Family

Today is my father-in-law’s 90th birthday!

Monica’s dad John Burquist turned 90 years old today. What better way to start off the day than with your Gramps on his birthday favorite breakfast, which in Gramps’ case is pancakes. When our children were little, I started calling my father-in-law Gramps, and the nickname has stuck and is now used by our grandchildren as well – Gramps’ great-grandchildren. Gramps does pretty well for his 90 years. He gets around the house with a walker and can converse well enough, although he tends to forget things (who doesn’t?). However, there is a silver lining to that cloud, since my mother-in-law spoiled him by rarely having leftovers, and I don’t mind leftovers at all. So when Monica first took care of him (starting at the end of 2001), she had her challenge since he was not too fond of leftovers. However, now he cannot remember what he had to eat the day before – or for that matter for breakfast later in the day. So that makes menu planning a lot easier. Gramps enjoyed his pancakes this morning and the rest of the day as well!

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