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May 15, 2015

True Freedom (2)

Filed under Sabbath Thoughts

"How else does the Truth of God make us free? What comes to mind? Let me know and we will continue our list at a later date." Here are your responses:

The Truth of God frees us from loving material things more than people.

The Truth of God frees me from the illusion of my self–made seeming "good person" appearance. The number of convoluted moral standards we construct for ourselves in living our life is amazing. And they don't only affect us, because in our own fiction we try to influence others, using various means. So I am made free by having Jesus in the gospels as the perfect representation of the Father, as an eternal reference. And now, with the best moral values – those from God – I can try to be a positive influence for others. It is easier to know what repentance is, according to God's law. I have to learn a lot about this way of life, but knowing what God's moral standards are is edifying and frees me to learn new lessons.

The Truth of God frees us from

– the lack of clear reference concerning good and evil;
– the belief in the theory of evolution;
– the fear of being fried eternally in hell fire;
– ignorance concerning the true source of war and strife in our world;
– the false belief in going to heaven after death;
– the false belief in the immortal soul;
– the false belief in the trinity;
– the false belief in the holy spirit being a person;
– the false belief that we evolved from apes.

The Truth of God frees us from the fear of failure when we experience a trial.

The Truth of God frees us from unclean food and wrong health practices.

Knowing the right way of Truth makes me free in my life in various ways. The Truth helps me to live my life with inner peace, giving me strength in practically every area of life, especially in my work. Being able to believe that it is never wrong to do what is right is a source of power and strength. The Truth frees me from having a bad conscience when living God's way conflicts with loyalty to my employer. The Truth frees me from having to determine the priorities for my life on my own. It frees me from fear of accidents, my own and those of my loved ones. And so on . . .

To sum it up, the Truth makes me free not only via the perspective of a future life, but here and now in my earthly life. God shows us a way of life that allows us to be happy and content in this life now. And the vision of life beyond our human existence means that a perfect freedom lies ahead.

The Truth of God frees me from the (wrong) conviction that I have to be perfect – right now. God loves me (John 3:16), not for who I am right now (for I am not perfect; so I can't boast on that, for instance). And the Word, the Truth, Jesus Christ Himself, gave His life for me and HE overcame everything for me. In me, He will overcome my imperfectness (etc.). (I'm not saying that I don't need to "work", do good works etc. That's what is "expected" of us.)

The Truth of God frees me from the pressure of comparing myself with others and wanting to keep up with them.

The Truth of God frees me from restlessness in life.

With these thoughts I wish everyone a rewarding Sabbath!

Paul Kieffer's blog with personal insights and news from the German-language region in Europe.


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